(951) 509-2500
Serving most of Riverside County

Adult Day Services

Adult Day Services offer the opportunity for mentally and/or physically impaired adults to enjoy peer support, and receive health, social services and socialization activities in a stimulating and supportive environment that promotes better physical and mental health.

Goals of Adult Day Services

Specialized Programs

Adult Day Health Care

A licensed medical model program for adults who have physical or mental impairments which limit activities of daily living.

Adult Day Program

A licensed non-medical program for older adults who have disabling conditions, and/or who cannot be left alone or are socially isolated.

Alzheimer's Day Care Resource Center

This state-designated program provides enhanced services for persons who are moderately to severely impaired from Alzheimer's disease or related disorders.

Family and Caregiver Support Services

Support groups, counseling, education, information and referral services are available through both Centers to any individual providing care.

Downloadable Forms

No Admission can be initiated/processed without the completed MD Health and Physical (H&P) Form.


Most people when researching for B&C Placements they are quoted several thousand dollars per month prices. There are however SSI rated B&C's out there... Call our Social Work staff for more information. We work with many SSI Rate Board and Care Homes who charge approximately $900/Month for a licensed B&C setting and the Patients attend our Day Care Program which is reimburse by MediCal-Managed Care companies, and the VA.